What is VPS Hosting? [A Comprehensive Guide to VPS Hosting for Beginners]

What is VPS Hosting? [A Comprehensive Guide to VPS Hosting for Beginners]

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VPS is a term that you will have come across if you are familiar with online platforms and servers. Virtual Private Server is the full name of VPS. It works in a similar way to a dedicated server environment within a shared network.

VPS hosting is becoming more popular because it offers a lower cost than dedicated hosting, but also provides incredible security, performance, reliability, and stability.

A user also has root access to the server, which allows them to install applications. Many people don't know about VPS and its incredible capabilities. This guide will cover every aspect of VPS, as well as the reasons it is so popular.

What is VPS?

VPS, or Virtual Private Server, is a service that acts as a dedicated server. The VPS is possible thanks to virtualization and cloud technology. VPS servers have their own dedicated resources. However, the VPS server can host multiple VPSs in the same server.

Virtualization divides the physical server into virtual private servers, and resources are allocated accordingly. This image will help you understand the concept of a VPS.

The resources are only available to the VPS. This means you don't need to share any CPU, RAM or other data. A VPS will provide the best performance, rather than worrying about sharing hosting services.

A VPS provides complete root access, just like a dedicated server, and better security. Let's say that something happens to another VPS running on the same system. Your VPS will be completely isolated in such a case. You should consider these key benefits when you use VPS hosting.

  • You get similar services at a significantly lower price than if you had a dedicated server.
  • The cherry on top is a server that you can control and which offers a private working environment.

Let me explain the differences between VPS hosting, shared hosting services.

A shared hosting service allows you to host your website on a shared server. However, the server can be shared by multiple users. Your data is stored on the server. However, RAM, bandwidth and other resources are shared with other users.

This can lead to a website that performs poorly and, in turn, it will limit your ability to respond to customers' needs. You can't select the software that you want in shared hosting. Instead, the hosting provider provides it. However, it is possible to request the software from the hosting provider.

There is also a lack security. The server can be affected if it is confronted with malicious activity.

A VPS is a better option than shared hosting. You are safe, have full access to all software, and you will also have your own resources.

Virtual Private Servers are a great choice for hosting because they offer a good balance between security and performance. A VPS is more expensive than shared hosting, but it can be quite private. The important thing is that you must be technically capable of managing a VPS account.

VPS hosting is a great option for growing your business if you're able to handle the technicalities.

An important factor in determining a business's online presence, as internet technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Activities that include communicating with one another and purchasing products or services online have been implemented.

This is why there is so much potential to rise to the top with a unique and attractive website. But will it be enough? Your potential clients will be disappointed if your website is unable to handle the volume of traffic to it.

Here is where the VPS plays a key role. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server and is, as its name implies, a virtual server. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It is often confused with VPN. The two are totally different.

A VPS can be used to host more than one website. We will discuss that later. VPS works in a similar way to dedicated servers. The only difference is that you won't have a physical server but will share a server. This sounds a lot like shared hosting.

Although it sounds similar, it is more of a hybrid solution between dedicated servers and shared hosting. A VPS will have its own dedicated resources just like a dedicated server but in one physical server. Virtualization allows for more than one VPS.

Let's explore the details surrounding VPS hosting. This concept can only be understood if we have an understanding of shared hosting and dedicated servers. In shared hosting, a physical server is split among multiple users and resources are shared between them. You will share the traffic and resources with other users. This means that you won't have full control over the server.

You will not share any resources that you have been given in a Virtual Private Server. You will have root access so that you can modify it as you wish.

A VPS is a virtual server that is located on a physical server. A dedicated server, on the other hand, is located on a physical machine. This allows multiple virtual machines to run independently on one physical server.


What's VPS Hosting?

VPS hosting is a form of hosting where different companies have their own instances on the same host or parent server. Users can access VPS from any location. Each user has their own storage and bandwidth, so they are able to get the best performance.

The Advantages of VPS Hosting

Virtual private servers are a versatile service that can be used for many purposes. The user has full root and administrative access to the server, unlike shared hosting. A VPS requires some server management skills, but it allows users complete control over the service that they pay for.

The server administrator only needs to be able to execute the task in the VPS. This allows almost any function to be done with the resources available to the virtual server.

  • Root Access

The root access we mentioned earlier opens up many possibilities for VPS owners. Root access allows a VPS owner to be in complete control of the software that is installed by their hosting provider. Although the server's hardware is still managed by the hosting provider, the user has the option of choosing the software.

You decide when it's time to upgrade, such as cPanel and MariaDB. It is not your hosting provider. This freedom is not as great as dedicated hosting plans. A hosted hypervisor must be installed on bare-metal servers. The OS must also be compatible with the guest OS. It is impossible to install Windows on a physical machine that runs Linux.

Any OS can use a native hypervisor. VPS users have the freedom to install any software they wish, except for illegal activities. Root access gives users full control over the server's performance and allows them to know when it is time to upgrade or downgrade. Users can also check logs from different types of servers without having to contact their hosting provider.

  • Isolation of Other Users

Although it is cheaper, shared hosting accounts are less secure. Imagine that someone on a shared server is attacked or blocked from mass mailing. Other accounts on the server could also be affected in such an event.

The whole server can be affected if shared accounts abuse server resources. A VPS allows you to be completely isolated from other users on the server. No matter what your neighbors do, you won't be bothered.

  • Scalability

VPS hosting is by its very nature scalable. Virtual machines do not depend on the physical server they are hosted on. In fact, they may not even know it exists. Let's say a VPS is in need of an upgrade or downgrade. A hosting provider can simply adjust the hypervisor limits to allow this VPS to be upgraded or downgraded.

A guest OS will function as if nothing had happened after the reboot. This is useful if you are unable to estimate the technical specifications required before running some tests.

Let's say you run a seasonal business, such as a beach equipment store. You can have a server that is more powerful during peak season, and a smaller one the rest of year.

  • Snapshot Support

VPS has a significant advantage over shared and dedicated solutions in that it supports snapshot technology. A snapshot is the current state of a system at a particular point in time. This works in the same way as game saves in your favorite computer games. You can quit a game if it isn't going according to plan and restart from a checkpoint.

The same applies to snapshots. If you need to go back to a previous time, your system can easily be restored from a snapshot. This is very useful in the event of a system crash or when you want to save your progress.

A snapshot is not a backup that copies everything every time it's run. A snapshot is smaller than a backup, takes up less space and can be created/restored faster.

Backups are still important. Backups can still be life-savers in the event of an operating system crash. Make sure to keep them outside.

The disadvantages of VPS

  • There will always be negatives. No service is perfect. A virtual private server can be used in almost any situation that a dedicated server could use. However, it is still a virtual computer running alongside other virtual machines on the same hardware server.
  • It is not possible to achieve some of the more difficult tasks that dedicated servers can perform. This is why VPS's cost is only a fraction of dedicated server costs.
  • These facts prove the importance of using the VPS correctly. Because it has more power, more responsibility is required to manage such a powerful system. If your website requires more power or features, you can check out the powerful features available on the dedicated web hosting server.
  • The dedicated web server also gives you all the power and features of the physical server. And, as with the VPS, the physical resources such as the RAM, are not shared by other users.
  • The dedicated web server has many great features and powers, but you will have to pay a high price for them. If your website requires more power and features that the shared web hosting server and your website does not require a critical e-commerce website to function, then you should consider the VPS.
  • The VPS is very cost-effective, efficient, and provides excellent benefits to your website. VPS is a great option for a growing website. If you don't have the budget to pay the dedicated web hosting server but can't afford shared web hosting, you will see the value in the VPS. Most online businesses use VPS quite effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily.

What is Private VPS Parent Hosting?

You can use the benefits of virtualization with Private VPS Parent Hosting.

This allows you to have full control over the parent server's resources and allow you to add as many VPS environment as you wish. Instead of paying for individual environments, you only need to pay for the entire parent server. The parent server can be scaled to meet changing business needs. You can move your instances between private and public cloud VPS parent server servers.

You will enjoy the following benefits when you host your private VPS parent.

  • Although you can deploy both Linux VPS and Windows VPS instances from the same cloud server instance, each instance must be paid for separately.
  • These VPS instances can be used to host individual clint sites or resell them to make money.

What's Managed VPS?

Managed VPS (virtual private server) is provided by hosting companies. They are responsible for all technical issues without you having to intervene. They can handle maintenance, troubleshooting and software installation, saving you time. A team of experts working together to improve your server's performance and other resources is called the hosting company.

Managed VPS Servers: Benefits

  • This will save you time and help you to handle all technical details.
  • Technical knowledge is not necessary.
  • Hosting companies make sure all software is up-to-date to ensure safety.
  • They make all necessary changes and implement them correctly.

Managed VPS means that you will need to spend more money. As everything is handled by a third party, you have full control.

What is an Unmanaged VPS?

It is not a managed VPS. Instead, it is self-managed VPS. The company manages it. This virtual private server will be provided by a hosting company. They are responsible for managing the hardware and all system checks. The customer is responsible for all other aspects, such as maintenance and monitoring.

Unmanaged VPS-Supporting Benefits

  • It is more cost-effective than managed VPSs
  • To make any changes, you will have more control of the server.

You must also take some time from the development to concentrate on maintenance. For managing the servers, you will also need technical knowledge. You should also invest in a team of IT professionals. This could compromise the security of your servers or cause slow performance.

What is Semi-Managed VPS Hosting?

Semi-managed VPS Hosting is a middle option between fully managed VPS hosting hosting and unmanaged VPS Hosting. This type of VPS hosting will give you the benefits of managed hosting but without the support and installation. Features such as OS updates, patches, security enhancements and proactive response to and restoration of monitoring events will be available.

Difference Between Dedicated Server and VPS

VPSes can provide some functions that are available on dedicated servers at a fraction of the cost, but there are limitations. A VPS, as the name implies, is a virtual machine that runs on a powerful server. A dedicated server, on the other hand is a complete server (computer) that can be rented to one individual.

It is clear that dedicated servers outperform VPSs when it comes to resource allocation. Imagine yourself living in an apartment within an apartment building as opposed to living in a home. This example shows that living in an apartment is similar to having a virtual private server. While you have your own resources, the building has multiple apartments.

A dedicated server is like having a home. You have complete control over your entire house (VPS hosting). VPS hosting has its advantages, but dedicated servers are clearly the best in terms of resource management and overall performance.

VPS hosting is very secure. Dedicated servers, however, are still very secure. This situation can be described as having an apartment in an apartment block and owning a VPS, while owning a dedicated server is similar to owning a house with high walls (if you have the right security measures for your dedicated server).

Apartments in buildings now have walls that separate them, which provides decent privacy and security. It is not as secure and private as a separate house.

One consideration is the bandwidth that your server can send and receive. Outbound bandwidth is more important than inbound bandwidth. This is because, unless visitors upload large amounts of data to your site, the number of requests for inbound HTTP will be low compared with the amount of documents and images your site will return per page.

Because the server's processing power must be shared between many users or websites, sharing hosting platforms are not designed for large volumes of traffic or high processing demands. However, shared hosting can be acceptable for small and medium-sized sites such as hobby websites, information-only domains or blogs.

Sites with more complex server-side functions such as online stores, sites that generate invoices, quotes or websites that convert audio and video on the spot, might require more resources than your typical Shared hosting account.

Sites that require higher outbound bandwidth, such as those that provide audio or documents to their users, may need more bandwidth (and disk space). Shared hosting might not be able to offer this, so a VPS is better.

Your site's visitors and page loads may not accurately reflect its bandwidth and processing needs. The server will need to work harder every page load if the site isn't optimized for processing. You can also use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reduce your outbound bandwidth consumption as images and other static files are served from other locations.

The shared hosting package can be shared between multiple users. If you have a noisy neighbor who uses CPU time excessively or takes up memory, there will be less resources for your websites, which can cause them to perform poorly.

Modern shared hosting providers will address this issue by setting resource limits, such as the maximum RAM usage, maximum number of processes and maximum CPU percentage.

These are used to reduce the noise from your neighbor but can also be used to limit your ability to temporarily use resources to run statistics or compile your nightly orders list. Some hosts have the option of temporarily breaking these shared resource limits.

Virtual Private Servers with multiple tenants per node can also have the noisy neighbor problem. Multiple virtual servers can run on one physical server. Modern hypervisors, the software running on the parent machine, are smart enough to allow VPSs to be siloed very well.

Although one VPS may be running low on memory and cause a kernel panic, or halt state, other VPSs will not notice. However, VPSs can be impacted by VPSs from other hosts.

Virtual Dedicated packages are available on some hosts. They provide all resources for one parent (dedicating it your VPS), to keep the hypervisor's scalability, management and noise levels in check.

VPS hosting is more expensive than Shared hosting. VPS hosting starts at $30 per month, and shared hosting can be purchased from a variety of vendors for between $2-30. The prices listed below include support, memory/cpu resources, disk space and bandwidth.

Although different hosting providers might offer similar resource availability at different prices, they may have different pricing models. Make sure to understand these differences. You should find out about the scalability, backup options, support times and how the platform is managed.

Also, ask for self-service documentation and if you have the ability to preview your control panel and management interface. You should also ask if any additional costs are required for these add-ons. This could impact your monthly or annual hosting costs.


What are VPS Operating Systems?

A virtual server is a physical server that has been divided into multiple virtual machines. Each VPS then has full control of the server. Before you can get started with the VPS server, it is important to decide on the operating system.

This is a difficult decision to make as it will affect the performance of your server and which apps you install. When it comes to VPSs, you can choose between Linux and Windows. Depending on the purpose of the Operating system, there are pros and cons to each.

1. Linux Operating Systems VPS

Linux's open-source software allows for a lot of control and manipulation. This is the main reason why you should choose it. Linux VPS allows you to optimize and customize your server in the most effective way possible.

Five major Linux distributions currently lead the pack: CentOS (Debian), Ubuntu, Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Different Linux distributions are best suited for different tasks. There are still some advantages to consider if Linux is your choice for your VPS.

  • Linux VPS uses less resources, which improves website performance and decreases downtimes. Using a control panel, such as cPanel, it is possible to assign resources to specific applications. This gives you the flexibility and reliability that you require.
  • Linux is an open-source platform. This means you can modify the configurations and customize the server to your preferences, while also removing parts that you don't need.
  • A Linux VPS will allow you to improve your server uptimes and make your website more user-friendly. It supports many coding languages. Compatibility will not be a problem.

To get the best operating system, you'll need to be highly technical and proficient in programming.

2. Windows Operating System VPS

Windows VPSs come with the Windows operating systems. The main difference between VPS operating systems is the Windows VPS being equipped with commercial software. These are the main benefits of a Windows VPS:

  • Windows VPSs come with a familiar and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), which is extremely useful for those who have never used a GUI platform.
  • Servers are protected by strong security systems that include firewalls, anti-spy software and antivirus software.
  • Windows VPSs come with programs such as ASP and ASP.NET that can be used to build complex websites or modify the existing website.

It comes down to choosing the right OS for your VPS. The strengths and weaknesses of each OS are fairly obvious, as we have already mentioned. Each OS has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, no OS is better than the other. I suggest that you choose the OS that is compatible with your existing systems and that you feel most comfortable using.

What's a VPS Server for?

We have so far focused on hosting websites as the main purpose of virtual private servers.

VPSes can be used for many purposes beyond standard hosting plans. These are the most popular VPS uses:

  • Hosting a personal server

A VPS server is not as powerful as a dedicated server but it can still perform similar tasks. Although some VPS servers are capable of running small VOIP servers (although the setup is not difficult), it requires a high level of expertise.

  • Additional storage

Cloud services can be dangerous. There have been many instances of data breaches and security breaches by large tech companies. These cloud services can be very expensive.

A VPS with security features could allow you to keep your most valuable files safe and secure. A private sync service could be set up on your VPS.

  • Testing Environment

VPSes are a great environment for tech-minded people to test new software and operating system configurations before actually deploying.

VPS is similar to Cloud Server Hosting

VPS is the same thing as cloud server hosting. The short answer is no. Cloud server hosting refers to hosting services that are offered over the internet. Hosting services usually provide one server or virtual servers. Cloud server hosting services connect multiple servers in order to create an online network. Cluster server hosting is another name for cloud server hosting. This form of hosting has been very popular in recent years. Your web server resources are distributed across multiple servers, and used as needed. This greatly reduces the chance of a server going down.

Cloud hosting makes it possible to handle peak loads quickly as other servers in the cloud provide additional resources. Your website will not have to depend on one server, but a group of servers that work together to keep it up and running.

Google is the best example of cloud server hosting. Google's resources are spread across hundreds of servers, which has made it possible for Google to experience virtually no downtime over the years.

Each server in cloud server hosting performs a specific task (as described above). In the event that a server experiences malfunctions, another server in a cloud will temporarily take over. The quality of servers is the main focus in cloud hosting services. To handle high loads, the hardware used to build the server must be enterprise-grade.

Let's take a look at cloud hosting in comparison to dedicated hosting or VPS hosting. Cloud hosting is more reliable than dedicated hosting when we compare it to cloud hosting.

Cloud hosting allows for multiple servers to be used in an emergency, which is more than a single server. Cloud servers are slightly more costly in terms of cost.

If you consider cloud hosting with Virtual Private Servers, the cost to obtain a VPS is very low. The investment in a VPS is very low as it is one server that is divided into multiple Virtual Servers.

VPS hosting is the best option for you if you don't want the cloud hosting reliability. Cloud hosting is gaining popularity in the hosting industry. This service is not popular with small and medium business owners due to its high price.


Do you remember when every place on the internet was accessible to anyone with an appropriate device and address?

Geoblocking and government censorship today make it difficult to access the content you desire. Every week we hear about numerous internet privacy scandals around the world. A VPN server is a great option if you want to surf anonymously and securely.

A VPN server was initially used to allow employees to access company data securely and safely. VPN is increasingly being used by individuals for their personal privacy because of the urgent need to protect internet privacy.

There are many VPN providers that offer VPN servers from different countries. These are great for those who want to protect their data and avoid geo-blocking.

But what if you want to share sensitive data? You will need a trusted VPN provider. VPNs can't be trusted because not all VPNs work the same way. You can prevent this by installing a VPN server on your VPS.

How do you use VPS as a proxy?

Proxy means "a representative". Proxy acts as an intermediary between your device, the rest of the web and it. A proxy intercepts the request from your device and checks if it has any data in the cache.

If it is, it will return the cached version of your data without connecting to the requested resource. If it does not, the proxy server will pass your request on to another server and change your IP.

Proxy hides the IP addresses of endpoint devices and is often confused for a VPN. A proxy server and a VPN are not used for the same purpose.

Why Use a Proxy Server?

  • To hide your IP. A proxy server is similar to a VPN. It can be used to bypass geo-blocking and check regional targeting.
  • To control your local network. You can set up a proxy between the network of your company and the rest on the internet if you are an employer, principal at school, or operate a cybercafe. You can limit the resources your users have access to.
  • To speed up requests and save bandwidth. Proxy caches content. It can reduce bandwidth significantly by serving cached data for frequently requested data.
  • Reverse proxy can be used to balance load spikes and protect your main service.

Why you shouldn't use a proxy server?

Proxy servers do not encrypt your traffic. A VPN server is the best choice if you want to surf the internet safely. Any proxy server can be used to avoid blocking, even free ones. But remember that a proxy server is just as useful as a tinfoil head.

A server with root access (a VPS, dedicated server) is required. Proxy servers don't require a lot of resources. This is why it's possible to save money by setting up a proxy server on a VPS.

What is the cost of a VPS?

It is almost impossible to answer this question with just one number. Prices for VPS vary depending on the service provider and the configuration of the server (if that provider allows it).

Technology is improving and newer, more powerful hardware is becoming available. The general price of such hardware is also dropping. Renting a virtual private server is now much cheaper than it was back in the day.

Virtual Private Servers will cost you differently depending on their configuration. Most servers offers four types of VPS services.

  • Windows Virtual Private Server
  • Linux VPS
  • Hosting VPS

1. Windows Virtual Private Server

Most servers does not offers Windows VPS with full administrator privileges. This gives you complete control over your server. You can access your VPS via Microsoft's Windows Remote Desktop software, from any OS including mobile devices.

Most servers allows you to choose the operating system that suits your needs best. Most servers uses SSD caching and RAID10 configurations for faster performance and data redundancy. All Windows VPS plans include unlimited bandwidth up to 1Gbps, one IPv4 or IPv6 address and the option of choosing your Windows operating systems.

Prices vary depending on which Windows VPS configuration you choose. You can see the details below. The prices are slightly higher because Windows OS is not open-source.

Prices for Windows VPSs range from $16.99 up to $69.99, depending on the configurations. Let's find out what is included in the $16.99 price. A Windows VPS will come with the following:

  • RAM 1024MB
  • One core of the CPU
  • 20GB of HDD storage and the common features (Like unlimited broadband, 1Gbps speed and one free IPv4 and the OS).

As you can see, plan prices increase due to differences in RAM, CPU, and HDD space. We recommend the third option, which is the most affordable and provides the best performance for the majority.

2. Linux VPS

All of our Linux VPS plans include root access and upgradeability. Most servers Linux VPS servers run on enterprise-grade hardware and are based upon VMware ESXi.

All of the Linux distributions can be used with our Linux VPS plans. We recommend using cPanel and DirectAdmin control panels to manage your Virtual Private Server. The control panels will be available on our site so you don't have to visit other sites.

Prices vary depending on which configuration you choose. You can see the details below. The four most popular configurations are shown above. Prices range from $6.99 up to $29.99.

All Linux VPS plans include unlimited bandwidth at 1 Gbps, an IPv4 or IPv6 address free, and the option to choose from any of our Linux Distributions. Prices of plans can change depending on how much RAM, CPU and HDD space are included with each plan. You can view all of our Linux VPS plans if you'd like to see more.


Solid State Drives are able to read and write at lightning fast speeds, unlike traditional hard drives. Most servers SSD VPS services use a RAID10 setup to reach speeds up to 400,000 IOPS. Our SSDs can also be used in enterprise environments, which allows for faster speeds than regular consumer SSDs.

SSD Virtual Private Servers offer greater speed and performance. From our selection of locations, you can select the best location for your needs. All Solid State Drive VPS plans include unlimited bandwidth, a 1Gbps port and one free IPv4 adress. You can also choose your Operating System (Linux, Windows).

Prices will vary depending on whether you choose RAM, SSD storage, or CPU.

These factors are more important than the price. The third option is the best as it offers the most power and performance for the majority the work required and a fair price for the services. All services and prices mentioned come with 24/7 support available to meet your needs.

What is the Best VPS Hosting Services?

There are many factors that will influence your decision to choose the best VPS Hosting service. You can choose from any VPS hosting service, depending on what your business is and what your expectations are. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right VPS Hosting provider for your company.

  • Uptime

Don't blindly trust the numbers that they give you about the uptime of the hosting provider before making your decision. You should read all reviews and verify the uptime. This will allow you to determine if the hosting company is reliable, and how efficient the provider operates during downtime.

  • Performance

To see how the hosting provider manages the resources, you can check the third party vCPU performance. Your website's speed will depend on how fast the hosting platform is performing.

  • Customer Services

You can read reviews about different companies to find out what kind of customer service the hosting provider offers. You should also ensure that your questions are answered promptly and that they take a proactive approach.

  • Scalability

If your business is likely to grow, you need to ensure that your hosting provider offers the resources and facilities that you require. You should also look into the procedure your hosting provider uses to scale.

  • Price

No matter what VPS hosting service you choose, make sure that you consider all costs from the beginning to the end. Consider your budget when you start to consider it.

  • Hardware

Make sure your hosting provider has the most up-to-date hardware to run the latest applications. The latest hardware features will also be more reliable over the long-term.

  • OS

The underlying OS is also important in deciding on the right host provider. You need to ensure that your applications work with the OS, and are compatible with older OS versions if they have not been updated.

  • Security

Every business that uses sensitive data must be concerned about security. For better performance, ensure that your hosting provider has strong security policies.

  • Migration

You can migrate from your current provider or to a new hosting provider if the new provider has a team that will handle the migration. They will tell you how much they charge for the migration and how long it takes.

How to Choose an SSD VPS to Compare an HDD?

Hard disk drives were the primary storage device in the IT industry for decades. But, with the most recent technological advances, solid-state storage is now the next step in performance improvement for both consumer desktop computers as well as servers.

SSDs have grown in storage capacity and become more affordable over the years. This allows them to be used in more complicated server configurations.

All of our VPS servers are based on enterprise-grade, high-speed Hard Disk Drives from Seagate, Toshiba, WD. They offer top-of the-line read/write speeds and huge amounts of storage space. However, they still use mechanically spinning magnetic drives to store data. This limits their potential for performance and creates a risk of drive failure.

HDDs store data using an actuator head. This moves the magnet or demagnetizer that is attached to the platter (hard drive) that holds the information. Solid-state drives (SSDs) are a modern technology that allows for faster and more reliable nonvolatile storage. They are a complete replacement for traditional spinning drives.

Solid-state drives are free from moving parts and not susceptible to fragmentation. This allows them to perform at a significantly higher level than their mechanical counterparts. SSDs make use of most of the components, with only a few limitations due to the SATA connections.

SSDs were first introduced to the market in mid-90s. However, SSDs have only been available recently enough for enterprise use.

Although there are many challenges to be overcome when setting up SSD storage servers, the Most servers expert networking team has been able solve them and we were able launch our first server completely based upon solid-state drives in 2018. We have been able to launch additional SSD VPS servers since then:

  • New York, USA
  • Montreal, CAN
  • Manchester, UK
  • Frankfurt, DE and many other cities.

It is common to believe that upgrading from a hard drive to solid state storage will increase your performance. Many people believe that there is a 50% to 100% increase in performance. However, this is not true.

An average HDD can store 200MB/s. Modern SSDs can read at speeds up to 3500MB/s, and write at speeds up to 2100MB/s. This example shows an increase in performance of 1,650% for reading speeds and 950% for write speeds.

The above example is only an example. Performance in real life is dependent on more than just write and read speeds. The configuration of the SSD is one such factor.

Most servers SSD VPS Servers use high-speed SSDs that are enterprise-grade and a RAID10 configuration, which allows for 300,000 IOPS (Input/output operations per second). Our storage solutions are extremely fast, but we don't compromise on data redundancy. This means that your VPS will be protected in the event of any server problems.

How do I get started with VPS Hosting?

These are just a few of the things you can do in order to get started with VPS.

  • Configure Apache settings
  • You should always ensure that you are using the latest version of MySQL.
  • All data should be saved to RAM.
  • Optimize your data to identify potential problems that could be affecting the performance of your company.
  • CDN can be used to speed up data delivery.


VPS hosting is an excellent platform that offers amazing services. You can choose from different hosting types depending on your needs. To make it easy for you to understand VPS hosting, we have provided every detail possible. We have also divided the article into several parts to provide a better understanding of VPS hosting.




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Amazon Web Services vs VPS Hosting

Amazon Web Services vs VPS Hosting This article will contain the following content: 1. What...

What Should You Choose: VPS or Dedicated Server?

What Should You Choose: VPS or Dedicated Server? This article will contain the following...

VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting

VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting This article will contain the following content: 1. Get to know...

How does it work: Web hosting? (A Beginner's Guide)

How does it work: Web hosting? (A Beginner's Guide)   This article will contain the following...

Difference Between RDP Account and VPS

Difference Between RDP Account and VPS This article will contain the following content: 1....